two women negotiating at a table

Pricing Philosophy

Pricing in Nonviolent Communication (NVC) is different than in common practice, and this is how:

  • We recognize that contributing more than one can joyfully give can create dis-ease, like resentment because we seek mutuality and have other needs to care for
  • We recognize that contributing less than one’s gut feeling suggests can also create dis-ease, such as sadness in not being in integrity with our desire for mutual consideration
  • We recognize that some people are able to offer more than others
  • We want to encourage the quality of connection where natural giving happens, both your giving and our giving as facilitators

For this reason, in our field, it is not uncommon to see ranges offered or to negotiate based on what one person would like to receive and another person would like to give.  On this site and through our direct Stripe links, you have choice in how much you wish to contribute.

We invite you to consider the needs that would be met for you in how you allocate your resources and the needs that would not be met in prioritizing one thing over another. For example, if you would like training because it could meet your needs for learning, connection, and effectiveness, for example, and you are also considering the rest that you might get on a holiday trip, we invite you to prioritize your needs while also considering ours and that of other training participants. For example, if you wish to be subsidized so that you can go on your trip and participate in training, this reduces our ability to offer training sustainably and it affects facilitators’ family resources and how available training can be for those who have fewer resources. We are interdependent. 

If you find that the ranges are still more than you can joyfully provide, please connect with us to find other ways that you might contribute, such as assisting with marketing, photography, accounting, organizing events, gardening, or other areas where you have skills that you enjoy contributing.

Please feel free to contact us if you have questions.